(Ed. Note--The Crimson does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed in printed communications. No attention will be paid to anonymous letters and only under special conditions, at the request of the writer, will names be withheld. Only letters under 400 words can be printed because of space limitations.)
To the Editor of the Crimson:
Rather rank appeared to us this morning's notice that History I students must turn in their reading notes. We, a group of former honor students who never felt the necessity of compiling reading notes, would have been rather embarrassed. We wish to shield our beleaguered brethren.
We object to this un-American, Fascistic, unDemocratic, un D.A.R. step which Bourbon pettifoggery is cramming down the Freshman throats. We urge students not to submit; we ask one universal groan to rise spontaneously in the next lecture. That there were only two A's at midyears in this year's History I class may cut into future Phi Beta Kappites, but it is no reason to justify swastikas in the Yard. Committee to View Liberal Democracy M. B. Roger '69, Chairman.
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