

When the Big Green athletes swoop down from the hills of Hanover, or the Sons of Old Eli invade America's Number One University, hospitable Harvard furnishes them a quiet night's rest in some comfortable Boston hotel. After a night's sleep that may or may not have been passed to the accompaniment of clanging street cars and vociferously tooting taxis, the out-of-town athletes must trudge, bag in hand, through the baffling intricacies of Boston's subway system before finally reaching their destination. All this would be changed if Harvard had a dormitory unit which could house the visiting warriors, such as the Ray Tompkins House at Yale, or the Davis Field House at Dartmouth.

The advantages that all concerned would derive from such an arrangement must seem obvious. The Crimson's opponents would be able to take their meals and sleep near the location of their particular contest, not only making the trip to Cambridge easier and more pleasant, but also allowing them more time to engage in pre-game practice sessions. The new building could be of even more direct benefit to Harvard if offices for the H.A.A. and for the various intercollegiate sports' managers were included therein, thus doing away with the dingy, cramped quarters these organizations now possess in the basement of the Union.

However, as 95 per cent of the money used for financing University athletics comes from gate receipts, either some generous endowment must be forthcoming or else burly Western gladiators must be imported to make up a super-football machine, if the much-needed structure is to become more than a mere pipe dream. Until such time, the College can well adopt a temporary stop-gap measure in converting the unfinished top floor of Dillon Field House into two or three bunk rooms so as to take care of at least a few of the visiting aggregations. To do this would require only a small financial outlay. Although only a modest beginning, it would be a definite step in the right direction, a constructive move in bringing Harvard hospitality towards visiting athletes up to the level of its Ivy League colleagues.
