
The Moviegoer


Squeezed into a small hall in the huge Park Square Building off Arlington Street, the brand new Telepix theatre presents a shower of short features to the public in ultra-modern and ultra-comfortable surroundings. Thus far, however, the "rocking chair comfort" and the sterilized air with ultra-violet ray generators are greater attractions than the uneven assortment of newsreels, travelogues and cartoons.

Most of the so-called newsreel theatres have sooner or later added a full length feature to their programs, but that in itself is no indication of the limited possibilities of short features. As soon as Hollywood stops sending out grade "e" concoctions and produces some well done athletic, scientific, or humorous features, the newsreel theatres may find themselves very popular. Walt Disney, Robert Benchley, and Time Magazine have already demonstrated the possibilities of the fifteen minute film, but the ghastly fillers must be removed before theatres like the new Telepix can be sure of success.


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