
Snow Conditions Ideal; Skiers Will Compete in Bear Mountain Event

Captain Hinton's Squad To Defend Schussverein Trophy

Northern New England skiing centers reported yesterday that deep powder snow on slopes and trails has provided ideal conditions for winter sports.

Fair weather tomorrow and colder temperatures are predicted by the weather bureau for Saturday with a steadily rising thermometer on Sunday.

A snow train will make a round trip to Plymouth, New Hampshire tomorrow, leaving Boston's North Station at 8.15 o'clock in the morning, and returning from Plymouth at 5.30 o'clock in the afternoon at a special $2.50 rate.

Ski Team at Bartlett

Seven ski teams, including the Crimson contingent led by Captain Bill Hinton, will compete on the Bear Mountain trail at Bartlett on Sunday in the third annual Schussverein downhill race.


The Harvard snowplowers, defending the trophy, face strong Dartmouth and White Mountain teams and a formidable force from New Hampshire University. The race will begin promptly at noon Sunday.
