

To the Editor of the Crimson:

We wish to correct a statement that appeared in Monday's Crimson. When the Harvard dining-hall employees met Sunday night in Cypress Hall, the Student Union as a whole had not yet defined its stand on the present labor situation in the dining-halls, Mr. Ogden, who spoke at that meeting made no pledge of support from the Student Union as a whole. He did, however, promise the cooperation of the Labor Committee which had had an opportunity to review the situation and arrive at a position. We offer this correction only to indicate that the decisions of the Students Union are arrived at democratically. Since the Sunday night meeting, however, the Executive Committee of the Student Union has had a chance to review the case and affirms its sympathy with the aims of the employees. The following recommendation was voted unanimously Monday night:

"The executive committee of the Harvard Student Union, after hearing a report from the Labor Committee and discussing it at length, voted support of the dining-hall employees' attempt to better their working conditions." Rufus Mathewson '41,   Chairman of the HSU Labor Committee.
