

Only Feslerman to Gain Recognition From Mentors; Swede Broberg High Scorer in League

Dartmouth's Big Green cagers, who dominated the play in the Eastern Intercollegiate Basketball League during the season just ended and who won the championship for the second year in a row, are much in evidence on the all-league team chosen by the seven coaches as they walked away with three first team berths and placed one man on the second quintet.

Gus (Swede) Broberg was a unanimous choice at one forward position, and Joe Batchelder and Bob MacLeod walked off with the two guard posts. Giles (Scof) Scofield, Princeton Captain and center, and Jim Bennett, Cornell's Sophomore forward, were the other first team members selected by the mentors.

Lutz on Second Five

Charley Lutz was the lone Harvard representative on the second team, receiving three votes for guard and three for forward. He was placed at guard on the team. Tom Macioce of Columbia was selected as his running mate, while Walt Foertsch of Cornell and Pennsylvania's Tony Mischo won forward jobs, Roger (Moose) Dudis at center completes the five and became the fourth Dartmouth man to be honored on the mythical all-star squad.

Sharpshooter Broberg


A sharpshooter on any kind of a shot, Broberg was the most discussed player in the league this year. He scored 159 points in the twelve games, setting a new record for the Eastern Intercollegiate League. Also, he twice broke the league record for scoring in one game, dropping in 26 and 25 points against Pennsylvania and Columbia respectively.

Sophomore Bennett of Cornell is another high scorer despite the fact that injuries shelved him for the final game of the year. Scofield, a fine team player and a good shot, sparked the efforts of the best Tiger five in recent years. Batchelder and MacLeod started slowly this season, and they were both hard pressed for their high rating by Columbia's Tom Macioce, a top-notch performer for the Lions throughout the entire schedule. THE ALL-LEAGUE TEAMS FIRST TEAM Pos.  Name  College  Pts. F.  Gustave Broberg  Dartmouth  14 F.  James Bennett  Cornell  10 C.  Giles Scofield  Princeton  9 G.  Joseph Batchelder  Dartmouth  10 G.  Robert MacLeod  Dartmouth  10 SECOND TEAM Pos.  Name  College  Pts. F.  Walter Foertsch  Cornell  6 F.  Anthony Mischo  Pennsylv'nia  8 C.  Roger Dudis  Dartmouth  6 G.  Thomas Macioce  Columbia  9 G.  Charles Lutz  Harvard  6

Honorable Mention

Forward--Albie Myers, Columbia.

Center--Vadim Medvedeff, Columbia.

Guards--John Naylor, Columbia; Thomas Erickson, Yale; Edward Hobler, Princeton; Edward Anderson, Columbia.

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