
Malletmen Play Final Game In 'A' League With Danvers

Major Sargent's malletmen will finish out their Class A schedule this evening in the game with Danvers at the Commonwealth Armory.

Fresh from the surprise victory over Yale, the poloists will move into undisputed position of second place with a win over Danvers. At present the lend is held jointly by two clubs, the Ramblers and Danvers, but a win for the Crimson on Saturday coupled with a loss for the Ramblers in their last contest, will give the poloists a joint tie for first place in the final standings.

Since Saturday's game all the first string players have contracted colds, but Major Sargent expects them to be ready for the game on Saturday night. The same lineup that was so successful against Yale will be used. Captain Ben Forbes will be at number one, Gay Dillingham at number two, and Ben Dillingham at three with Cam Burrage as alternate.
