Four confident Crimson skiers leave tomorrow for Pinkham. Notch, where they will compete in the annual Appalachian Mountain Club, double-header meet.
Captain Bill Hinton feels that his team will make a good showing against the other college entries: Dartmouth, Yale, and New Hampshire.
Professionals Will Race
Several ski clubs and professional teams will race with the college aggregation. The Austro-Swiss team, composed of some of the best professionals in the East, are favored to win first place.
The captain of last year's ski team, Dave Emerson, top speed man of the Schussferein ski club, is another obstacle for the Crimson men to hurdle. Other clubs to race in the meet are the Hochgebirge and the White Mountain Ski Runners.
Karl Borges, John Pierpont, and Hinton are slated to represent Harvard in the meet.
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