George F. Lowman '38, known for three years to audiences at Varsity basketball games as "Red," will coach the dormitory basketball team, it was announced yesterday. The dorm hoopsters will meet for the first time this afternoon.
The team, which will be under the care of Howard Cox, head of the new Hemenway Gymnasium, will be composed of students from Claverly, Apley, and the other college dormitories outside the House system. They will practice in the Gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Lowman, who starred on Vernon Struck's quintet last winter, is in his first year at the Law School and is serving as a Freshman proctor.
The dormitory team will meet the House teams in games outside the regular House league, and will play several outside teams. Their schedule has been arranged by Adolph W. Samborski '25, Director of Intramural Athletics.
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