

Big Green May Fade a Little

After watching the wild men from the hills of Hanover trim our football team for the past few years, beat us in basketball, and grab the 1938 baseball championship from under our noses, it gives as great glee to see what happened to the Wearers of the Green last Saturday. First of all, the Indians were scalped in a skiing meet by the University of New Hampshire at a winter carnival in Durham, which isn't as serious as it seems because some of the Hanoverians were away at the Maine meet in Rumford. Then from New Haven we received the news that the Big Green swimming team had been ducked decisively 54-21, only taking one event. Not that Hall Ulen feels too happy over Yale's performance.

Ski enthusiasts might see Harvard defeat Dartmouth on the slopes this winter, now that Dartmouth's Dick Durrances and Eddie Wellses have become alumni. Four Crimson skiers placed high Saturday in the Eastern Amateur Ski Association open downhill meet at Stowe, Vermont, competing against the country's experts. Captain Bill Hinton finished twelfth in a field of thirty-two, with Gale Burton finishing sixteenth, John Pierpont, seventeenth, and Jesse Thomas, twenty-fifty. Of the quartet, only Pierpont is a senior, while Hinton and Burton are Sophomores. Thomas is a freshman.
