
Littauer Graduate Center Will Open for Classes Next Monday

To Provide Offices for Faculty Of Government, Economics Departments

Lucius N. Littauer's $2,250,000 gift to Harvard, the Littauer Graduate School of Public Administration, will officially open for regular occupation off Monday after nearly a year of construction and planning.

Designed, in the words of Dean John H. Williams, head of the school, as a "means to bring the University and the Public Service nearer together," the new center will fill a dual function as a training field for graduate students in the social sciences and as a research institution for men already doing government administrative work.

200,000 Book Library

Office space in the building has been provided for all of the present members of the Government and Economics departments, who will be moved into their new quarters next year according to present plans. In addition to these offices the Center will have a library with a 200,000 book capacity, an auditorium, lounge, reading room, and eight arge seminar rooms.

Two Years of Planning


Over two years of exploratory conferences between University officers and the faculty of the Government and Economics departments have preceded the School's opening. The first actual experimental work was carried on last fall when the School was opened to a few student's with Hunt Hall as temporary quarters.

Contrary to the popular impression which arose when the money was first given in 1935, the Littauer Center will not be a separate graduate school in the sense that the Law, Business and Medical Schools are. Most of the faculty will be present members of the University faculty, and there will be no separate degree given for work at the Center.

Emphasizing in his report the important role of the consultants who will be drawn from public service for work in the new school, Dean Williams said, "It is the consultantship program which most clearly differentiates the work of the School from the more usual sort of instruction in the social sciences."

At present there are 14 federal administrative workers here on Littauer Fellowships, combining research work and work in an advisory capacity with students and faculty. In addition to the Littauer Fellows, 188 graduate students are taking seminar courses in the new School.
