A girl who has attracted universal attention and could just as easily count the sands on the seashore or the stars in the heavens as calculate the number of her admirers, is here in Nassau--and coming here she is home, for she is none other than Brenda Frazier, granddaughter of Lady Williams-Taylor. . . .
This delicate little creature of God's own personal creation will give the final artistic touch to the myriad patterns of flowing life in this island . . . and many people will see this beautiful child in just so many different ways as she adjusts to suit each situation a new color in the rainbow of her versatile personality.
Because most people love to regard her as the glamour girl--a beautiful thing of the moment to be displaced by next season's bloom of flowers--it is this side of her personality she is obliged to present most.
Brenda Frazier's beauty is not only "skin deep." It is illuminated by a mentality, a depth of feeling, and a strength of character unusual in one so young, so beautiful and so universally admired. . . . Does this . . . suggest that imprisoned in this tiny body is a typically feminine heart that yearns adventure at the side of a strong, dominating personality . . .?
It is difficult to analyze one whose role in life is such that she must constantly adjust herself to rapidly changing situations, but we are satisfied . . . that Brenda Frazier is no flower of this season alone but . . . will continue perennially green--a thing of beauty, and a joy forever. And when time at last has overtaken her footsteps she will bequeath to life a delicate, pleasant memory through the recorded incidents in the life of a mature and mellowed beauty.
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