

Regardless of one's views on the American Student Union, any thinking person must regard the banning of that organization from the Roxbury Memorial High School as but another attempt of Boston educational authorities to destroy academic freedom. The Boston School Committee has justified this suppression on the grounds that the American Student Union constitutes a "Communist" menace, boring subversively at the city school system from within.

Such a premise is absurd. While the Student Union undoubtedly does contain extreme Leftists among its members, it has never shown a violent or subversive character. Professing to seek "democratic ideals," it has always striven to achieve its aims in an orderly and constitutional manner. State and educational officials must allow all such open criticism and discussion to continue if our democracy is to survive. Repression of "dangerous ideas" creates a far more dangerous situation than if they are aired fully and freely in the public eye. In order to think intelligently on today's vital political, economic, and social issues, high school and college youths must be acquainted with both sides of the matter at hand.

Headmaster Robert B. Masterson of the Roxbury school, in ousting the Student Union, violates the spirit of the Constitutional Bill of Rights. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, Mr. Masterson has permitted intimidation of students desirous of joining the organization. Certain pupils have received veiled threats that they will "flunk" if they become members of the A. S. U. The Boston School Committee, which has upheld the Headmaster's action, once more reveals itself an intolerant and bigoted foe of intellectual freedom. As at the time of the passing of the teachers' oath bill, it has again raised the dreaded cry "Moscow!" while tightening its grip over Boston's school system. The people of Massachusetts must distinguish between arbitrary and legitimate restriction of rights, and should rise to defeat this attempted subversion of their liberties.
