
B.U. CUBS TRIP J.V.'S 41 TO 29

Crimson Fall Before Last Half Rally Of Strong Visitors

Coach Johnny Wood's Jayvee basketballers went down to defeat before a last-half rally of the Boston University Freshmen 41 to 29 yesterday afternoon in the Indoor Athletic Building.

The Jayvees, sparked by Vic Marans, managed to stave off the Terrier cubs for better than 30 minutes, but then the visitors, led by their captain. Dud Purbeck, spurted and put the game on ice. These same Boston University Freshmen hold the only victory scored over Skip Stahley's Yardling cagers thus far this year.

Tomorrow afternoon at four o'clock the Jayvee quintet meets a team from Bryant College on the Indoor Athletic Building court, for their next game.
