
Forty Baseball Men Report For First Practice Session

Players Have Light Workout and Short Batting Drill in Cage

Forty candidates for the Varsity baseball team had their first practice yesterday under the guidance of Coach Floyd Stahl in Briggs Cage. These aspirants are all infielders or outfielders as the pitchers and catchers have already had an extra week of workouts.

The players were given loosening up work and light throwing and then subjected to a short batting drill with the pitchers tossing them, in at half speed. Regular Varsity team men from last year reporting for the first team were outfielders Bob Gannett, Rud Hoye, and Jo-Jo Soltz, and infielder Dick Grondahl. Last year's Freshman regulars include Jim Tully, Fred Keyes, and Charlie Davis.

Missing were first-sacker Lupe Lupien and infielder Fred Heckel, and former Yardling outfielder Pip Cutler, all of whom will report in early March after the finish of winter sports in which they are engaged.

Freshman pitchers and catchers were also called out for the first time yesterday, with 25 meeting Coach Adolph Samborski.
