
Andover Hall Coop Gets Lady Guests

Dining Cooperative Reaches an Agreement With Divinity School Officials

"No women" has been modified to "only on weekends" by an agreement made by the Cooperative Dining Hall in Andover Hall with Dean Sperry of the Divinity School.

Shortly after the cooperative was opened there was a dispute with authorities concerning whether Radcliffe students were eligible for membership, Dean Sperry definitely ruled out the presence of women in Andover Hall.

For the past few weeks the members of the dining hall have been trying to reach an agreement on the privilege of bringing women guests. The issue came to a climax when there was objection to the presence of one of the members mother as a guest in the dining hall.

The officials of the cooperative with the backing of the Graduate Student Union made the latest agreement, but as a spokesman for the Student Union said "the issue is dormant but not dead."
