The New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad not only provides the Boston-New York commuter with a stimulating view of the back-yards of New England, but also provides an occasional example of the dizzy heights of service attained by Great American Business.
A weary Harvardite returning to Cambridge after a strenuous New York weekend had the good fortune to witness an exceptional example of this Service. Before the train pulled into each station the conductor would poke his head inside the door and moan a sorrowful "Stamford," or "Bridgeport," or "Saybrook." However when the train was approaching the captial of Rhode Island, the monotony was broken. The conductor opened the door to make his usual station identification, but he was a changed man. The sterling spirit of the N.Y., N.H. & H. asserted itself as he loudly proclaimed. "The next station is Providence, just another one of the big cities on the New Haven Railroad."
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