
Freshman Hockey Team Wins 4-1 Over Princeton Sextet

Fenn, Ayres, Whittacker Lead Clash at Skating Club Rink

The Crimson first-year sextet, in its first game with the Princeton freshmen, defeated the Tigers 4-1 yesterday afternoon at the Boston Skating Club rink. Goalie Fenn was outstanding in his function, as was Charlie Ayres at center who scored two of the goals, one unassisted. Additionally brilliant for the Yardlings were Lloyd at left wing, and Walter Whittacker at right wing.

A Harvard goal was scored in each of the three periods and in an overtime. Whittacker, with the help of Ayres and Lloyd, rushed the first goal through in 4:16 of the first period. Ayres with the assistance of Whittacker achieved the single score in the second period. The third bracket gave Princeton its one point when Goff got past goalie Fenn unassisted. John Elliott with Dennie Brooks scored after Goff for the Crimson, and then Ayres climaxed the game with the final tally unassisted, 14:27.
