
1940 Officers Take Over From '39 At Annual Meeting of the Crimson

The annual meeting of The Harvard Crimson is to be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock, at which time the out-going officers of the 1939 Board will relinquish their posts to the officers-elect of the incoming 1940 Board. President, Cleveland Amory, Managing Editor Caleb Foote, Business Manager J. Francis Dammann, Jr., Editorial Chairman Ellsworth S. Grant, Executive Editor John T. McCutcheon, Jr. and Photographic Chairman Roger W. Loewl will read reports of the activities of their respective departments in the 1938-1939 period.

The members of the 1940 Board who will take over the six Executive Board positions today are as follows: Blair Clark, of Princeton New Jersey, will be President; B. Sheffield West, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Managing Editor; John H. Sisson, of Brookline, Business Manager; Garfield H. Horn, of Long Beach, California, Editorial Chairman; Charles N. Pollak II, of Bronxville, New York, Executive Editor, and Julian E. Agoos, of Brookline, Photographic Chairman. They will serve until February 1, 1940.
