Opening a doubtful season, the Varsity hockey team will square off tonight against a superior St. Nicholas sextet in the Boston Arena at 8.30 o'clock. Regardless of the outcome, tonight's game will give the Crimson much needed experience.
Two offensive trios of about equal strength are slated to lead the Crimson attack, with the seasoned line of center Warren Winslow, left wing Forbes Perkins, and right wing Skip Ervin in the opening lineup. Dave Eaton, Stacy Hulse, and Pernie Willetts form a second not so experienced but potentially powerful offensive unit.
Gordy McGrath, Demmy Lloyd, who captained last year's Freshman team, Dick Noone, Bob Cox, and Bill Claflin may also see service.
Veteran Freedley at Goal
Hodder will rely heavily upon goalie Vint Freedley whose stops last year prevented several Crimson defeats. Captain Bill Coleman and Sherm Gray form a strong defense, with Bob Gray, Greeley Summers, George Dreher, and Bob Gorham as alternates.
None too optimistic about this evening's game, Hodder believes that he will need considerable more practice to weld his sextet into a smooth working outfit. The Crimson has come a long way since the start of practice, and Hodder maintains that Bill Coleman's team will be hard to stop by the end of the season.
With skating ability as their main asset, the Hoddermen have much to learn about stick-handling. Lacking confidence and weak at passing, they are easily stopped. No one can be sure, however, how they will react to their first active service this evening.
George Roberts, who played for the Crimson in 1933, will counter for St. Nick's with the former Eli players, Bob Cooke and Billy Moore, as his flankmen. Captain Blake Shepard, former Eli star, and Bob Burke of Princeton form the blue line while Peter Grayee of Yale will tend the net.
Lou Merriam, Douglas Cochrane, and Barelay Cooke are the second offensive trio, while Stewart Iglehart and John Thomas will alternate at defense
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