

Six men, killed in battle, arose from their graves last night at Sanders Theatre and refused to be buried. Despite the commands of army, church and family, they refused to lie down again. In "Bury The Dead" Irwin Shaw combines a fierce hatred of war with a conviction that the common man has come to find a more important reason for living than giving his blood for a muddy strip of battlefield. Shaw is pointing almost towards a rebirth, a reincarnation of man on a higher and finer plane.

In the hands of the Student Union the play is developed with heartening enthusiasm. Because it is emotional rather than rational, it profits from the intensified acting and such melodramatic slivers as a mother's scream. Although no one of the parts can be considered a lead, all are well handled, particularly the women's. The technique of "flash" scenes is effective though needing smoother coordination. Taking a script that is alive, at times unable to stay within its own bounds, the Student Union has injected "Bury The Dead" with a spirit of honest reality.


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