
Medical Students Will Get Legal Experience

Moot-Court Case to Be Tried Next Week In Langdell Hall

Medical School students will receive practical experience in legal medical work Thursday. December 14 at 2:30 o'clock when a meet court case will be tried in the court room of Langdell Hall. John O. Rhome, Faculty Assistant in Charge of the Ames Competition announced yesterday.

Two Law School students, acting as counsel for each side, will place expect medical wideness on the stand to testify concerning the cause of the injuries complained of in a claim arising under the Massachusetts Work men's Compensations Act.

The claim is now before a three man Reviewing Board with Professor Edmond M. Morgan of the Law School as its Chairman. One Law School student and one medical school student and round out the reviewing board.

Conceived by Allen R. Morlia Professor of Legal Medicine the plan was carried out with the assistance of Livingston Hall, professor Law and the Board of Student Advisors of the Harvard Law School.
