Ten Yardlings have been chosen to make up the Freshman Committee of Phillips Brooks House after a three weeks competition, the election committee announced last night.
Those who were finally elected from the forty-one candidates starting in the competition are Robert G. Axtell of Helworthy Hall: John M. Bullitt, of Matthews Hall: Evan Calkins of Holworthy Hall: Maxwell Kaufer, of Grays Hall: Norman Meyer, of Waltham; William W. Piuney, of Apley Court: F. Harrison Poole, of grays Hall: William McNKand, Jr., of Grays Hall: John E. Sawhill of Weld Hall, and Robert F. Sherwood, of Wiggisworth Hall.
During the competition, the candidates became acquainted with social service work, the work of the Speakers and Handbook Committees and the office work at Phillips Brooks Henze.
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