Only a few hours after Russia hurled her bombers against Finland, the Young Communist League yesterday fired a mimeographed salvo at one of America's softest spots, our sentiments toward Finland. In justifying Russia's attack as a defense against British imperialism, the YCL failed to realize that it is the ruthlessness and inhumanity of the aggression that constitutes the Soviet's crime in the eyes of the world, and not necessarily her general policy.
America cannot help being deeply moved by the plight of Finland, perhaps to an extent that will endanger our neutrality. For this reason, it is important that the President and State Department be especially careful not to act rashly. A break of diplomatic relations with Russia would be an ill-advised act, at this time above all others, when we must do everything we can to peer through the fog that surrounds Russian policy, and be ready to make the most of possibilities for peace. Now if ever there is a need for cool heads and complete, accurate information for them to work on, not only in the State Department, but in the nation as a whole.
Such a manifesto as that of the YCL does little to foster this cool-headedness. Their furtive methods of distribution, and their obvious attempts at whitewashing a murderous attack on civilians can only serve to arouse the very anti-Soviet hysteria they deplore. The latest YCL statement emphasizes the fact that their views are not taken to further the best interests of the U.S., but to champion the cause of Russia. While there is no legitimate reason for suppressing such views, there is no denying that, emotionally, they invite suppression, and for this reason make less healthy the political climate of the U.S., and may actually endanger our neutrality. By holding stubbornly to a Russia that has lost the respect of the world, the YCL may find that it has surrendered the priceless gift of peace for America.
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