
Football Scores

Yale game upsets are a thing of the past, and now the CRIMSON seer can turn to more pleasant duties. Selecting All-Star elevens is lots of fun and there never is any proof that you were absolutely wrong. But here's a last batch of games and scores before the next football season opens about forty weeks from now. Boston College will reign supreme in New England tonight, paced by the stoutest line in the East. Navy 7  Army 0 Boston College 13  Holy Cross 7 Stanford 14  Dartmouth 7 Duquesne 13  Detroit 7 Fordham 20  N.Y.U. 7 Georgia Tech. 13  Georgia 0 Rice 20  Baylor 13 U.S.C. 13  Washington 10 S.M.U. 10  T.C.U. 7 Tulane 20  L.S.U. 7 Minnesota 0  All-Big Ten 21 Tennessee 20  U.S.C. 13
