Fourteen members of the Harvard Student Union have been chosen as delegates to the national convention of the American Student Union in Madison. Wisconsin, December 27-30, it was announced last night.
Approximately 400 are expected to attend the annual meeting, where the main business will be settling the A. S. U's position on methods of keeping this country out of war. This issue involves a stand on the Russian invasion of Finland, which the local chapter condemned in a resolution last week.
Alan Gottlieb '41, president of the chapter here, will lead the Harvard delegation. Accompanying him are G. Robert Stange '41, vice president. David Fleischman '41, secretary, Paul Olum '40, Avram S. Goldstein '40, Irwin Ross '40, William Rossmore '40, Arthur Kinoy '41, Max D. Gaebler '41, John A. Rolabird, Jr. '49, Robert G. Nassau '48, Walter K. Rosen '42, Sidney Jackson '48, and Andrew E. Nice '48.
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