CAMBRIDGE, Dec. 14 (UP)-At a Massachusetts Institute of Technology meeting which was almost without incident, Communist Earl Browder told a capacity audience today that by a modern miracle the League of Nations " has risen from the tomb and speaks with a boldness and vigor it never had when alive."
Though stench bombs were thrown in the hall prior to Browder's appearance and a glass door was broken by a crowd seeking admittance, only scattered boos and cheers came from the 522 students, including six co-eds, who were seated in the auditorium. No standees were permitted in the hall.
"For eight long years, since Japan first invaded Manchuria, the League of Nations was progressively more paralyzed and dumb," Browder said in discussing the League's expulsion of Soviet Russia.
While Ethiopia was gassed and bombed out of existence, China was laid waste with millions of causalities, the Spanish Republic was strangled, Austria was swallowed up, Czechoslovakia was dismembered, Albania was raped-everything was accepted, so long as it registered the advance of reaction, the throttling of free peoples and the preparation of the holy war against the Soviet Union."
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