
Over the Wire

Finns Claim to Have Invaded Russian Territory

HELSINKI--Finnish forces were reported unofficially tonight to have invaded Russian territory in a strong drive north of Lake Ladoga which the Government's military communique described as a "great success" costing the Red Army heavy casualties.

The Finns, carrying the war to Russian soil as the conflict enters its third week, were reported without confirmation to be striking toward Russia's vital Leningrad-Murmansk railroad, lying 55 or 60 miles across the eastern frontier.

The Russians are dependent upon the 900-mile long railroad line to move troop reinforcements and supplies to the northern fighting front.

Copenhagen and Stockholm reports said that Finnish planes had bombed a 12-mile stretch of the rail line near Murmansk, ripping up tracks and thoroughly disrupting Russian communications.

Swedish frontier reports said that, since the start of Russia's invasion two weeks ago, the Red Army's losses have been nearly 20 times as great as those of the Finns.


The Russians, it was said, have suffered about 22,000 casualties as compared with about 1,200 for the Finns.
