
Curtain Rises on New Show Tonight

"Too Late To Laugh" Opens In Sanders Theatre Promptly At 8:30 O'clock

Final touches were put on the Dramatic Club's new production. "Too Late To Laugh," last night as the whole cast held its dress rehearsal in Sanders Theatre before opening this evening.

The leading players took time off for a little "rest" when they rushed over to Station WBZ for a fifteen minute broadcast of five scenes from the play. Half an hour after they came off the air, they were all reassembled on the stage, and from then until nearly dawn the 175 members of the cast, plus a number of technicians, went through the whole play twice.

It was rumored at the thester last night that if the play were a success, either actor producer Eddie Dowling or a representative of R.K.O. Radio Pictures would buy an option on it for sage or movie production.

Most of the actors were too weary to have any feeling of nervousness about the opening tonight. Tru so darn tired now all I want to do is like down and go to sleep mingled one of them.
