
University Is Severely Criticized by Article in U. of Chicago Publication

Nick Hiburn Titles Piece "You Can Tell A Harvard Man, But You Can't Tell Him Much"

"When God was making nice places like Vassar, he must have forgotten Harvard," writes Nick Hiburn in the October issue of the "Pulse," University of Chicago undergraduate magazine.

In an article entitled "You can tell a Harvard Man, but you can't tell him much: a survey of Harvard University," Hiburn blasts the institution which is known around the Windy City as "The Chicago of the Middle East."

"Pulse" is a flippant, Time-influenced publication which refers to Chicago's President as "Prexy Bob Hutchins" and runs plotter captions such as "Milton Mayer: twitchy tempted" and "Dean Gilkey...good gingerbread.

"Every university has a certain amount of ethnocentricity but none, not even Chicago, thinks so much of itself as Harvard," according to Hiburn. "The reasoning runs that Just because Jesus was a Harvard man we are all little Jesuses.'"

He concludes that Harvard "certainly is the most heavily endowed school in the country, but much of its money is tied up in bad architecture and stale professors...But the university does not go out of its way to educate the average student."


After taking a pack at the Harvard undergraduate's "inimitable balance", the Chicago muckraker crisis's the unplanned curriculum here, which, like To pay, just grew." He deeply regress that Harvard has no nifty surrey court and educational integrated like Chicago's.
