Inspired by the charms of their band's winsome drum majorette the Lowell House football team ended its regular season yesterday afternoon by defeating Adams 6 to 0 while Dunster was handing Eliot a 32 to 0 shellacking.
Johnny Felmeth scored for the Bellboys in the second period after Dick Lewis had set up a score by intercepting a Gold Coaster pass and running the ball back 40 yards to the six yard line. Folmoth, star kicker as well as runner, scored on an off-tackle slant.
Adams Defense Stars
Lowell outplayed Adams throughout the game, but was held in the clinches by a stubborn Gold Coaster defense which stopped the Bellboy runners time and again behind the line of scrimmage.
Dave Hume almost scored for the winners in the fourth quarter on a wide end sweep, only being forced out on the one yard line after gaining 40 yards. Then Adams held for four downs and kicked out of danger.
George Varn, Dunster's high scoring back, paced the Funstors to their victory by scoring three touchdowns, one of which came on a 60 yard broken field run.
Hugh Harwood made a fourth touchdown on a 20 yard sweep, while Bill MacGinnis ended the scoring by catching a pass in the end zone.
The House football season will be finished this afternoon with the exception of one game postponed from last week. Dudley will be attempting to clinch its second place position at the expense of the Bunnies, who have won one game so far this year.
The big game of the day will be the Kirkland-Winthrop grudge battle. Although the Big Red won the title, come victory or defeat today, it would give them no end of happiness to get revenge on the Deacons for the post-season tie which they suffered at their hands last year and which lost them the title.
If Winthrop wins, the Deacons will be relegated to a fourth place tie with Lowell.
The last game of the season will be the Loverett-Eliot game to be played this Friday or next Monday.
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