The Student Council last night appointed five men to serve as a standing committee on tenure and education. At the same time the Council announced that at its next meeting a committee would be picked to "investigate certain aspects of the House board situation."
With Blair Clark '40 as chairman, the tenure committee is composed of Mason Fernald '40, Spencer Klaw '41, Langdon P. Marvin, Jr. '41, and Douglas Mercer '40.
Examine Board Rates
The decision to examine the board rates came as a result of a petition, signed by 150 students, which asked the Council "to investigate the Harvard dining halls to determine whether the quality of the food and service given is a fair return for the current board rate."
Outlining the scope of the standing tenure committee's work, the Council issued the following statement:
"This committee shall investigate the following problems and such other problems as it shall see fit:
1. The effects of changes in the tenure policy on teaching in the undergraduate courses and on the tutorial system.
2. The relationship between the funds made available for the various departments and the size of these departments as measured by the number of concentrators.
3. The adequacy of University funds given to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
4. The possibilities of institutionalizing the expression of student opinion through councils of concentrators in each department on problems of personnel and education.
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