As a direct result of the decreased activity of the tutoring schools, the Boylston, Reading Room has been overcrowded during the past few weeks, Keyes DeWitt Metcalf, Director of the Library, revealed yesterday.
According to John J. Gallan, assistant librarian in charge of Boylston Reading Room, the number of students in Boylston on Monday night taxed the seating capacity of 160, and many students could not find chairs.
"This added pressure on the facilities in Boylston is undoubtedly due to the fact that fewer students are going to tutoring school, and many more students are doing their own work," Metcalf said.
The students in the three large Freshman survey courses, History I, Government I, and Economics A. use Boylston primarily because the required texts in the courses are on reserve; the present number of reserve books for these courses are adequate despite the added pressure, the library officials stated.
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