
What's His Number?

Number one is short shock headed, and a Senior. He looks like a pouter pigeon in his football uniform. For two years he plugged away on the Jayvees as blocking back and guard, and got his chance on the Varsity this fall. After the Penn game Dick Harlow said, "He was out manned. I thought the Penn guards would ride him into the Charles River."

But the Princeton finger men accounting the game reported that he was the hardest-fighting man in the Harvard line. His name is Ernie Sergeant, and he will sit in the stands tomorrow and never wear a major H, because a head injury has ended football for him.

"He's Too Slow"

Number two also stocky and small, team, he became a hero overnight last year when he played five minutes in the Army game and completed three out of four passes which resulted in a Harvard touchdown. Except for a couple of minutes last Saturday, he has never again played in a Varsity football game. He's "too small" and "too slow." But in practice he burns the turf off the practice with enthusiasm. His name is Bob James, and this last week he has held up sandbags for the A-team backs to block during practice.

Number three is another sandbagger, He was a hot prospect for center this fall until he brooks his arm, and was outclassed by his competitors while it was healing. His name is Low Harder, and the last few days he has been going out for practice although he hasn't prayer of getting into the game tomorrow.


Soccer is Fun

Number four doesn't play football For two years he's been a third-string fullback on the soccer team. In the fall he worries with the best of them about getting his weight down, and his wind up to par. Last week the lineup was revamped, and he found himself starting against Brown on Saturday. But his ankle was creamed in the first quarter. His name is John Davidge, and this afternoon he will watch Yale and Harvard play soccer from the bleachers.

There's nothing so hot about these guys. They're a dime a dozen on every Harvard squad in every sport, and they don't get either headline or athletic scholarships. They may be suckers, but they're in a swell sport to do one badly needed good turn. They can give a loud and lusty bird to John Tunis. Larry Kelly, and their fellow hatchet men of the "College athletics stink" tribe.
