
The Moviegoer

At the Metropolitan

Paul Muni and James Hilton are combined in "We Are Not Alone" to produce what might easily prove the best picture of the year. A man who is one of the best actors alive has portrayed in the story adapted from Hilton's vivid novel perhaps his most thoroughly human movie role.

But the picture, directed by Edmund Goulding, does not owe its excellence to Paul Muni alone nor to be the moving story which it portrays. The entire east plays together well. Jane Bryan as the Austrian danseuse who falls in love with the lovable country doctor played by Muni, Flora Robson as his puritanical wife, Raymond Sebrin as their delicate child, and the tragically simple maid played by Una O'Connor: all combine to present a well acted production. Not one of them could really be given an ounce more credit than another. In addition to the acting, there is a genuine expose of the hysteria that accompanied the last war. In addition Max Steiner's musical background is really convincing.
