

According to your purse. We suggest skin guards as essential equipment inasmuch as every place in the vicinity is going to be jammed. . . Hotel Brunswick-The Marionette Room-tempo is a little faster than some of the other hotel rooms, but still much fun. Dancing is okeh. . . Hotel Lenox-the Blue Train. I have fond memories of the Blue Train after an especially noisy evening. Soft lights and similar stuff made it very pleasant, with good music as an added factor. Recommended as an oasis.

Other Night Spots

Not as many lorgnettes, but still fun: The Cocoanut Grove specializes in liquor and a floor show. Dancing isn't too marvelous. . . . The Brown Derby-about the same as the foregoing-a little less expensive. . . The Casa Manana nice setting with good music and food make this a good bet. Probably will be crowded as it isn't murderous in its prices. . . . The Mayfair: about the same as the others, a little noisier, and more expensive. . . Crawford House-to be avoided if possible. Slumming that isn't even fun. . . By the way, we almost forgot the two swanker of the Boston night spots, the Fox and Hounds and the newly created Zero Hereford. Music at both is universal, but not too good. See and be seen is the motto here.

A trifle lower on the social scale, but recommended, depending on your date:

The Little Dixie-the best of the town's Harlem points. Jack Hill's band is one of the finest jump combos in this vicinity and is worth hearing. They play much like Basic with some very good sax solo work and some fine arrangements done for them by a Harvard Med. School student. Place usually has some good dancers and a singer who gets away with a good imitation of Helen Morgan. . . Raymor Ballroom while inhabitated by jitterbugs and the like, has some good jazz in Les Brown's band. . . Roseland State Ballroom much the same type as the Raymor, this place also does pretty well with Tommy Reynold's an Artic Shaw imitator. . . Sonny Burke, a Duke University product who does just as well as his predecessor, Les Brown, is playing at the Atlantic Ballroom in Revere. Good dance music and quite acceptable swing. . . And don't forget that Jimmy Dorsey is playing the MIT Sophomore Prom tonight at the Copley Plaza. If you are a fast talker, you might be able to wangle your way into this one.
