
Football Exhibit in Widener Shows Souvenirs Of 63 Years' Rivalry Between Harvard and Yale

Newspaper Articles, Photographs Brought Up From Archives By Library Director

Tracing the rivalry with Yale since its official beginning in 1876, the football exhibit outside the reading room in Widener is drawing unusual attention, according to Keyes DeW. Metcalf, director of the University Library.

The exhibit, which opened Wednesday afternoon, is composed of programs, mementos, and newspaper stories of former Yale-Harvard games, many of them dating back to the turn of the century and before.

The oldest items are a set of newspaper articles from 1781 telling how the Sophomores and Freshmen played their traditional football game in the fall. Included is a list of college customs forbidding the game or any other games near college buildings and prohibiting students from "throwing anything across the Yard."

Mecalf formulated the idea for the exhibit early this fall and went to the archives for his displays.
