
Basketball Squad Numbers Only 15 After Fesler's Cut

Another and Final Out Will Be Made After Grid Season

Coach Wes Fesler announced a big basketball cut last night which pared the squad down to 15 men. A few more men will be added after the conclusion of the football season and a final out may be necessary in a couple of weeks.

The following players have been retained on the squad: Captain Charley Lutz. Will Webber, Jack Stewart, Bud Finegan, Jitbug White, Lee Bird, Joe Romano, Tom Rigby, Ed Rothschild, Chet Legg, Don McSweeney, Fran Simpson, Vic Marans, Homer Peabody, and Jack Fisher. All other candidates are requested to turn in their equipment as soon as possible.

Bob James, Ed Buckley, Charley Spreyer Fran Loe, and Loren MacKinney are the gridmen who are expected, to report soon after the Yale game. Jack Penson will be on hand at the end of the soccer season.
