
The Moviegoer

At the University

Well, the rains come, alright, and the dam breaks, and George Brent flounders around in ten feet of water, and on the whole it's one of the wettest movie-going evenings since "The Hurricane." But unlike "The Hurricane" it was a bit wet from the critical point of view, too. A cast headed by Myrna Loy and Tyrone Power has a right to expect a decent script with which to work. But 20th Century Fox let them down with the script of "The Rains Came." For instance: Brent to Loy, "It's exciting seeing you again." Loy to Brent, "May I have a cigarette?" A startling example of relevant repartee.

Perhaps expectations about this picture have run so high that the eventual product would have to be an anti-climax, no matter how good it was. It does seem, however, that there are more potentialities in the film than have been realized.
