
Olum, Horn Named Marshals of P.B.K.; Sixteen Seniors Elected

First Marshal, Concentrating in Math, Is Vice-President of H. S. U.

Paul Olum '40, of Binghamton, N. Y., and Eliot House was elected to the coveted post of First Marshal of the Phi Beta Kappa Society last night, as the Junior Eight met in the Lowell House tutors' common room to vote on the Society's executive personnel and to determine the 16 men from the Senior class to be taken in at this election.

At the same time Garfield H. Horn of Long Beach, California, and Winthrop House was elected Second Marshal, while Ward MacL. Hussey, of Chicago, Illinois, and Lowell House, was named Recording Secretary.

Highest in Junior Eight

Olum, a Mathematics concentrator, was the highest ranking member of the Junior Eight at the time of its election last year and is vice-president of the Student Union.

Horn is Editorial Chairman of the CRIMSON, a former Managing Editor of the Guardian, and member of the Debating Council. He concentrates in Economics. Hussey is Editor-in-Chief of the Guardian, a member of the Student Council, and is on the Lowell House Committee.


Senior Sixteen

The Senior Sixteen are as follows: Charles G. Swain, whose field is Chemistry; Joseph N. Ball, Jr., Engineering Sciences; Israel H. Scheinberg, Bio-chemistry; Isadore N. Rosenberg, Bio-chemistry; Adrian J. P. LaRue, Music; Thomas V. Healey, Romance Languages; Enno R. Hobbing, History and Literature;

Charles H. Coombs, Jr., Economics; Tudor Gardiner, Classics; James S. Clarke, Bio-chemistry; William N. Dale, Government; Joseph J. Geehern, Government; Robert A. Brooks, Classics; Kenneth W. Sterling, Bio-chemistry; Edwin Hewitt, Mathematics; and R. Stuart Hoyt, Government.

Eight men are elected to the honor society in their Junior year, sixteen in the fall of their Senior year and approximately 50 at graduation.
