

Dedication Ceremonies to Be Held at 4:30 Today; Lowes Gives Talk on Gift of Widener Heirs

The erstwhile bare rotunda of Widener Library, just off the main staircase, has just been refurnished and will be dedicated as an exhibition room this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.

At a short ceremony, John L. Lowes, Francis Lee Higginson Professor of English Literature, Emeritus, will give an informal address, and immediately afterwards a tea will be held for the Friends of Widener Library, an organization made up of interested graduates and undergraduates of the college.

Contains Show Cases

The new exhibition room will be equipped with show cases donated by the Widener heirs, in which will be exhibited book treasures both from the Library itself and from the Widener collection which immediately adjoins the new center.

Widener has never before had an exhibit center and most of the exhibits have been placed in the corridors, but the new room not only provides the Library with a center it needs, but it also utilizes the otherwise neglected marble-walled rotunda. This gift from the Widener heirs provides the furnishings for the second Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Room in the Library.
