

To the Editor of the Crimson:

Mr. Greene must certainly be surprised by the repercussions attending his refusal to grant a hall for a Browder meeting--from a "question of taste" it has become a "question of civil liberties." If the purpose of his action was not to deny free speech, it has, nevertheless, that very function, and in the present time when there is a general hounding of unorthodox, political groups, anything which might signify a restriction of free speech, a surrender to Mr. Dies' blackmailing, is to be carefully avoided. Mr. Greene's legitimate protest to the "New York Times" on its handling of the YCL's leaflet story seemed to indicate that he was not forgetting this important principle. The more painfully surprised are we when we witness his latest move on the same subject.

We Trotskyites disapprove most vigorously of Mr. Browder's Stalinism and we have been the victims of much abuse on his part. But this will never prevent us from demanding free speech for any working-class organization, however corrupt or degenerated it may be. We think Mr. Greene made a dangerous generalization when he affirmed his own taste to be the taste of the Harvard students. The subsequent outcry must have certainly raised some doubts in Mr. Greene's mind. And the collective action of the student body through its various organizations would certainly help Mr. Greene clear his mind on the question of good or bad taste. Consequently we think that Mr. Greene should rescind his denial of a hall and, by doing so, he will certainly show the good taste of a gentleman. For the Harvard Socialist League,   Richard Pitts '41, President.
