


The Varsity hockey squad, 60 strong, held its first practice session last night on the Boston Skating Club rink in Brighton. Clark Hodder '25, serving his second season as Varsity coach, was pleased with the turnout and indicated that there was "a good nucleus to start with."

Over ten lettermen from last year's squad and a number of former Freshman and Junior Varsity players reported for action. The Varsity veterans include: Captain Bill Coleman, Forbes Perkins, Warren Winslow, Skip Ervin, Dave Eaton, Stacey Hulse, Bill Claflin, Pren Willetts, Sherm Gray, and Vint Freedley.

Graduation Losses

Although graduation cost Hodder four of his most reliable men, Captain Austie Harding, Joe Patrick, Johnny Mechem, and Charlie Houghton, he has predicted that the defense will still be fairly strong and that the main handicap is the absence of an outstanding player.

From last year's Yardling sextet Captain Dem Lloyd, Greeley Summers, Burgy Ayres, George Dreher, and Gordon McGrath have turned out. Also working with the team this year are the Junior Varsity veterans Bob Cox, Phil Downs, John Eaton, Bob Gorham, Dick Noone, Alec Stahn, and Emmet Whittlock.


The H.A.A. has arranged to have the team practice five times a week, on Monday and Wednesday nights, and on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons.
