Repeating the gathering that last year sped the football team on the way to victory in its last four games, a rally will be held on Soldiers Field tomorrow afternoon after the squad has finished its final home practice.
The band will form in the Yard at about 4:30 o'clock and march down to the field past the Houses. Head Coach Dick Harlow, Athletic Director William J. Bingham '16, and Manager John F. Atherton '40, are now scheduled to speak.
Team Leaves For Princeton
Cheering and the singing of Harvard songs will give the team its final send-off before it entrains at 8:30 Friday morning for Princeton.
At last year's Princeton game rally, the turning-point in a season that saw four early defeats wiped out by victories in the last four games, Harlow said: "Our boys will remember this day as long as they live." It was the first football rally Harvard had held in 13 years.
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