

Courses Added to List of Classes That Report Regular Attendance, Phelps Reveals

Although there has been no new policy in regard to taking attendance in courses, "several" more courses have been added to the list of those in which attendance is taken, according to Reginald Phelps, Dean of Records, in a statement made yesterday.

Dean Phelps pointed out that in May 1934 the Faculty voted that attendance should be reported in courses in which Freshmen and Sophomores were primarily enrolled.

"This was interpreted liberally in the first years following the change: at that time, courses with more than one-third Juniors and Seniors were exempted from attendance," Dean Phelps stated.

Check on More Juniors and Seniors

"Last year and this, the interpretation has become somewhat stricter, and courses enrolling one-third or more Freshmen and Sophomores are reporting attendance. This has resulted in adding several courses to the list of those reporting attendance."


This action has been in accord with Dean Hanford's recommendations in his annual reports of the past two years that because of the number of men placed on plan B, tutorial, it was necessary to check up on the attendance of many Juniors and Seniors.

Last year the Advocate urged that the attendance requirements be stiffened as a means to restrict tutoring school patronage by men who have neglected their lectures.
