
Peterson Trains Freshman Swimmers For Winter Meets

Forty Candidates Prepare for Coming Heavy Season

Under the direction of Varsity Coach Hal Ulen and "Pete" Peterson, Freshman mentor, over 40 Yardling natators are going through a six week course of conditioning exercises in preparation for the tank season. Work in the Indoor Athletic Building pool will not start until late in November.

With eleven meets scheduled for the coming season, Coach Peterson is watching the squad closely. Among the candidates are free-stylers Darcy Curwen of Exeter, whose older brother, Jim, is a sprint star on the Varsity team, William Stires of Lehman High, Canton, Ohio, and Frank Gorman of University School, Cleveland. William Drucker, former New Trier Township High back-stroker, and Colin Houston of Exeter, a breastroker, are other aspirants for the '43 squad.
