In an effort to secure volunteers through the Phillips Brooks House Social Service Committee, staff members from Boston Settlement Houses will meet interested undergraduates from 7 until 9 o'clock Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings of next week.
The Social Service division yesterday expressed the hope that a record number of students would volunteer to carry on the work with "underprivileged boys groups of Greater Boston." More than 1000 students on their registration-cards indicated a desire to participate in this sort of activity.
Various Fields Open
The social service field undertaken by PBH includes work with boys' clubs, scout troops, foreign affairs discussion, and classes in model-airplane building, dramatics and other hobbies. It was estimated that the work would take from one hour to one hour and a half at an appointed time each week.
For the purpose of discussing the work and soliciting volunteers, representatives will come to Harvard on the first three evenings of next week from 29 of the largest metropolitan Settlement Houses and Community Centers.
In announcing the drive for volunteers from the college, Elliot Richardson '41 last night said, "There is a crying need for social workers everywhere; we at Harvard can do our share by aiding in the work of this vast and impoverished industrial community."
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