

Coburn Replaces McCaleb; There is a Large Increase in Graduate Army Students

Colonel James W. Bagley, lecturer on Aerophotography, announced yesterday that two main changes have taken place at the Institute of Geographical Exploration as the new semester commences: William K. Coburn, Jr. has replaced Thomas C. McCaleb as instructor in Engineering, and there has been a considerable increase in the number of army officers taking graduate courses.

This year there are six commissioned officers taking graduate courses in Engineering here. Said Bagley, "This is the first time as far as I know that so large a number have come back to Harvard. I consider this quite significant, for it means that Harvard has been put on the list of institutions to which young officers will be sent regularly hereafter. About fifteen officers are taking similar courses at M. I. T."

McCaleb Noted for Inventions

According to Bagley, McCaleb has left Harvard to take up a position in a manufacturing concern. There his technical engineering ability should stand him in good stead. While at the University McCaleb was noted for his burglar alarm and "electric eye" inventions. Coburn, who replaces McCaleb, will be spending his first year at Harvard.

This year for the first time a meteorology course (Geography 10) will be given at the Institute. M. I. T.'s Professor Willett will conduct the course, for which over 30 students have already signed up.
