
Band Puts on Snappy Show for Indian Game

Not One, but Many Majorettes Feature Between Times

With drum majorettes floating around the Stadium in droves Saturday afternoon, the University Band put on a snappy show both before the game and between the halves.

In the pre-game maneuvers Laurence H. Waterman '40 and Fred H. Krech '40, masquerading as contestants in the Gateway to Harvard competition, allowed themselves to be driven off the field by a "Jawn Harvard" brandishing an ancient blunderbuss.

Highlight of the Band's formations was a shield enclosing a "D", followed by letters of "Harvard" formed in rapid succession.

An unexpected situation arose when Miss Mildred Madigan of West Roxbury, a veteran baton twirler, attempted a coup d'etat between the halves. The 19 year old blond, trying to win a sorority bet by leading the Band, was prevented from getting on the field by Robert M. Peebles '40, manager.
