
Bliss Named Red Book Chairman As Council Chooses Entire Staff

Directory, Out in December, Will Include Phone Numbers Of All Freshmen

Charles Melbourne Bliss '43, of Evanston, Illinois and Holworthy Hall, was named chairman of the 1943 Red Book yesterday as the Student Council advisers for Freshman affairs inaugurated a new system of Red Book appointments by selecting the entire executive board.

Langdon P. Marvin, Jr. '41 and Harvey C. Taylor, Jr. '42 made the choices after consideration of a field of 20 candidates. The officers on the executive board, who are subject to change at the chairman's discretion, are:

Shelby H. Page of New York City and Holworthy Hall, business manager; David E. Place of Greenbush and Grays Hall, advertising manager; Jere Mead of Belmont and Matthews Hall, editorial chairman; Henry W. Munroe of New York City and Matthews Hall, literary editor; Roger Lyford of Westport, Connecticut and Matthews Hall, art editor; and Paul Southwick of Baltimore and Wigglesworth Hall, photographic editor.

Change Alde Chairman

According to Marvin, the new chairman will be relieved of a difficult problem by having his executive positions filled from the start, as, without access to University Hall records, he could not hope to make more than a haphazard choice.


Bliss plans to include telephone numbers in this year's Register, which he hopes to have out by the first week in December.

"The photographic and editorial competitions will commence as soon as November hours are over, instead of after Christmas as in previous years," the new chairman stated. "Thus the board will get an early start on the 'real job' of the Red Book itself, and the preliminary work can be done for a proposed snapshot section."
